Thank you for your interest in the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program! The NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program enables students to pursue a career as a physician-scientist while taking advantage of unique opportunities and resources at the NIH, including the NIH Clinical Research Center. Since the NIH is not a degree-granting institution, this program is a partnership between US medical schools for the MD phase of training and university doctoral programs through the NIH Graduate Partnerships Program for the PhD phase of training. Most scholars in the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program choose to participate in the NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program for the PhD phase of their training.
Students who are applying to or currently matriculating into a U.S. clinical degree program, medical school or Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) are eligible and encouraged to apply for the NIH MD/PhD Partnership Program. Please note that program participation must be approved by the student's home institution. Students enrolled in a participating school and the NIH OxCam Program are eligible to receive additional funds to support their medical education. The PhD phase of training is fully-funded.
MD/PhD Training Pathways
Interested candidates may apply to the program through the two training pathways or tracks shown in the diagram below. Please note that each track is different and based upon your current educational status. Interested candidates are responsible for submitting the application to the appropriate training pathway. Details for determining your correct track are provided in the sidebar to the right. Additional information about eligibility requirements and the application process is provided on the individual track pages.

Track 1 is for students who have completed the Bachelor’s or Master's degree(s) and are applying to medical schools and/or MSTPs. Upon acceptance, Track 1 Scholars begin their training by completing the first two (pre-clinical) years of medical education at the desired medical school/MSTP. Track 1 Scholars then join the NIH OxCam Program after MS2 to complete the PhD phase of training. Upon completion of the PhD degree requirements, the student returns to the home institution to complete the medical degree.
Track 2 is for students who are currently enrolled in medical school. Interested candidates typically apply at the start of the second year of medical school. Upon acceptance, Track 2 Scholars take a leave of absence from the home medical school to pursue doctoral training through the NIH OxCam Program. Upon completion of the PhD degree requirements, the student returns to the home institution to complete the clinical component of medical school.